January 23, 2023


Business Leader Raffaele Riva Inspires Entrepreneurs by Setting the Example


 Raffaele Riva, the founder and president of AUREA Multi Family Office, is responsible for the establishment of a variety of firms that provide financial services. These companies include investment and wealth management, as well as asset management.

In a recent interview, Raffaele Riva discussed his business ideologies. He is of the opinion that one should pursue their passions and let their experiences in life direct them. Riva is enthusiastic and always energized about the next opportunity. He does his best to stay up to date on a diverse range of subjects and hobbies. He does this by reading as much as possible with his busy schedule. He also pays attention to the news and trending topics around the world. Riva credits these habits to being able to make more sound decisions and for his creativity.

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Raffaele Riva maintains an optimistic attitude about life and is constantly on the lookout for the most recent advancements in technology, global news, and business trends. Riva characterizes his outlook on life and business as being “interested and curious.”

When asked about the secret to his success in so many different businesses, Riva responds, “Providing value to customers is always very vital for my long-term success in any company.”

Riva goes on to say, “If you consistently ask your customers for feedback on how you can enhance the quality of the service they receive and the level of happiness they experience, your company will experience a significant increase in revenue. You should never stop thinking about how you might help others, and even if you are the one who did something wrong, it is still in your best interest to make swift amends for your actions. Your customer’s life—and your business—will be better off as a result.”

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Because of this attitude of putting customers first, Raffaele Riva has been able to expand his businesses to other countries.

Raffaele Riva’s success is not merely contingent on his adherence to a certain ideology or his capacity to give remarkable service to his customers. He explains that he only commits to projects that have some sort of significance for him. “You need to have excellent commercial ties and talents, in addition to excellent insight, persistence, and competence,” Riva says.

Riva was born in 1962, and possesses dual citizenship with both Switzerland and Italy. He is also conversant in Italian, French and English languages. He is an enthusiastic art collector and a Benefactor member of the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana. In addition to that, he is a certified wine sommelier and a member of both the Monaco Yacht Club and the London Reform Club. In addition to all of that, Riva enjoys downhill racing, skiing, equestrian sports, driving historic automobiles, and scuba diving.

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The fields of business financing, corporate restructuring, and estate planning are all ones in which Riva has developed his expertise over the years. Long ago, he managed a number of financial advising firms that he established between the years 1997 and 2008.

From 1992 to 1996, he had worked as a Senior Executive at a multinational conglomerate. During that time, he also served as an active board member, operations manager, and director at a large number of affiliated companies, as well as their branches and subsidiaries located all over Canada, Central and South America, and Western Europe.

Raffaele Riva has also worked as an accountant and auditor for one of the largest accounting agencies in Milan and Manchester, between 1988 and 1992.  Riva also has experience working in international business. Riva is an active participant in the professional communities that include the Register of Chartered Accountants in Milano as well as the Register of Legal Auditors in Rome. Because of these memberships, Riva is able to maintain connections with other key businesspeople around the world.

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In 1987, Riva received his diploma from the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan with honors.

1989 marked the year that he graduated with the title of Dottore Commercialista from the aforementioned university. After that, he earned his credentials as an Italian accountant. In 1997, he graduated from a postgraduate degree in SSQUEA that had been offered by the Canton Ticino Management Business School. 1998 saw him return to the classroom at SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, to finish his education.

Learn more about Raffaele Riva here: https://www.f6s.com/raffaele-riva



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