July 26, 2022


Raffaele Riva Sidesteps Roadblocks: Sees Solutions Instead of Problems

Raffaele Riva, founder and co-owner of the AUREA Multi Family Office, is a multi-talented person with varied interests and areas of specialty. He’s known for his extensive awareness in the areas of corporate restructuring, wealth management, estate planning, corporate financing and more. He has also founded and been a managing partner for several advisory companies. He holds a degree in economics, and speaks French, Italian and English. In his spare time, he is an art collector and wine connoisseur.

In a recent interview, Raffaele divulged interesting information, important advice and insight into his life. For anyone who would like to learn about success from an already successful individual, his recent interview is a roadmap for making positive choices that have a real and lasting impact. Below are the highlights from his interview.

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Maintaining Productivity Throughout the Day

Everyday is different for Raffaele Riva, who says that he usually starts his working day at 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning, and doesn’t end until 8:30 or 9:00 at night. He keeps an agenda that helps him plan his day, and he plans well in advance to ensure that no day or time is wasted.

Because he travels a lot and meets with clients frequently, every day is a unique experience. He cites his ability to plan in advance as his key to success in terms of remaining productive. Pre-planning allows him to make the most of his time.

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Lifestyle and Habits That Contribute to Success

Raffaele believes that maintaining a positive attitude has largely contributed to his success as an entrepreneur. He encourages anyone who wants to be successful in this line of work to remain curious and continue learning in all circumstances.

Reading and learning as much as possible about topics of interest can also help entrepreneurs grow in their industries. Feeding your own personal curiosity is one of the keys to a successful career.

Entrepreneurship Wisdom Revealed

Raffaele Riva has learned many ways to be successful in his adulthood. He encourages young people who would like to be successful to be supportive of those around them, but not to put the priorities of others ahead of their own.

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Another way to be successful as an entrepreneur, he says, is to “do what you like and makes you feel better.” He says that it’s important to believe in what you’re doing and to never fear failure or to stop believing in yourself. Other people will believe in you if you believe can have strong belief in yourself.

Business Strategies that Work

Provide value. How do you grow your business? “Provide value in the lives of your clients,” says Riva. Start each day by asking yourself what you can do to serve and satisfy your clients. Serve your clients, and when things go wrong, take the initiative to fix whatever you can – even when the client was the one who was wrong.

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Learn to say no. Riva describes too much business growth as a kind of cancer. Investing in too many opportunities and working with too many business partners is the wrong choice. According to Riva, the words “I don’t do it” and “I can’t do it” are completely different. Learning to say “no more” is healthy.

Technology that Works

During the interview, Riva referenced a number of pieces of technology that help him do his work, maintain productivity and simplify his life, namely: wireless headphones, a Surface tablet and his iPhone. Regarding the Surface and the iPhone, he says that he uses them every day, and they have changed the way he deals with his day-to-day needs.

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Recommended Reading

Riva recommends that everyone should read the book 1984 by Orwell. He describes the main character as a hero who eventually succumbs to brainwashing, but until the end, is a man who resists living in a gray and controlling world. Ultimately, it is a book that illustrates the dangers and mechanics of totalitarianism.

Final Quote

In demonstration of his belief in the power of positive thinking, Riva ended his interview with a quote from Albert Einstein: “Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.”



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